AKD, a company in charge of developing the technical solution for Digital Green Certificates, has successfully conducted pilot testing of the system with the Central European Gateway (EU Gateway).
Therefore, Croatia was the first Member State to successfully complete pilot testing of the system and confirm the functionality and interoperability of the Digital Green Certificate system.
Pilot testing confirmed that all key components of the Croatian system are functional and ready to start issuing certificates, which is scheduled for the beginning of June. The system successfully generates QR codes for all three types of certificates – whether it is the vaccination, test results or recovery from the illness and exchanges public keys with other Member States via the EU Gateway. AKD also developed a mobile application for the verification of certificates from the other Member States within this project, and it was demonstrated in real time during the pilot testing.
Croatia confirmed the full technical functionality of its system three days ahead of schedule.
By the beginning of June, the VRH Working Group will set business rules for issuing certificates to citizens, harmonize the visual identity of certificates with EU requirements, prepare communication and info materials, legislatively standardize the use of certificates in the Republic of Croatia, and prepare technical conditions for validation and acceptance of their certificates through bilateral cooperation with third countries when they enter into the Republic of Croatia.